How To 3D Print From Stl File?

3D printing has opened up a world of possibilities for creating custom objects and prototypes. One of the most common file formats used for 3D printing is the STL file format. In this article, we will provide actionable insights on how to 3D print from an STL file.

Step 1: Choose a 3D Printer

The first step in 3D printing from an STL file is to choose a 3D printer. There are a variety of 3D printers on the market, ranging from entry-level models to high-end industrial models. When choosing a printer, consider the size of the objects you plan to print, as well as the level of detail and precision needed.

Step 2: Import the STL File

Once you have chosen a printer, the next step is to import the STL file into the 3D printing software. Most 3D printers come with their own software, but there are also many third-party software options available. Some popular options include Cura, Simplify3D, and Slic3r.

To import the STL file, simply open the software and navigate to the import option. Select the STL file and import it into the software.

Step 3: Prepare the STL File for Printing

After importing the STL file, it is important to prepare it for printing. This involves setting the print parameters, such as the layer height, printing speed, and infill density. These settings can affect the quality and strength of the final print.

Additionally, it is important to check the print for any errors or issues that may arise during printing. This can be done using a software feature called “slicing,” which breaks the model down into layers and generates a G-code file that the printer uses to create the object.

Step 4: Print the Object

Once the STL file is prepared for printing, it is time to print the object. To do this, load the filament into the printer and start the print job. Depending on the size and complexity of the object, the printing process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

During the printing process, it is important to monitor the printer and ensure that the print is progressing smoothly. If any issues arise, such as a clogged nozzle or filament jam, address them immediately to prevent damage to the printer or the object being printed.

Step 5: Finishing and Post-Processing

After the object has finished printing, it may require some finishing and post-processing. This can involve removing any support structures, sanding or smoothing the surface, and adding any desired finishing touches, such as paint or polish.

It is also important to store the STL file and G-code file for future use, as well as to document any print parameters used for future reference.


3D printing from an STL file is a relatively straightforward process that requires choosing a printer, importing the file, preparing it for printing, and monitoring the print job. By following these actionable insights, you can successfully 3D print objects from STL files and unlock the full potential of this exciting technology.