How To 3D Print Nylon?

Nylon is a popular material for 3D printing due to its strength, durability, and flexibility. However, printing with nylon can be challenging, especially for beginners. In this article, we’ll provide actionable insights on how to 3D print with nylon, from selecting the right filament to adjusting printing settings for optimal results.

Choose the Right Nylon Filament

The first step in 3D printing with nylon is to choose the right filament. There are several types of nylon filaments available, including nylon 6, nylon 12, and carbon fiber reinforced nylon. Each type has different properties and strengths, so it’s important to choose the right one for your specific needs.

Prepare the Printing Surface

Nylon has a tendency to warp during printing, so it’s important to prepare the printing surface properly. One option is to use a heated bed, which can help the nylon adhere to the surface and prevent warping. Another option is to use a glue stick or hairspray on the printing surface to create a temporary adhesive layer.

Adjust Printing Settings

Printing with nylon requires adjusting the printing settings to ensure the material is printed correctly. Some key settings to consider include the print temperature, print speed, and cooling fan. Nylon generally requires a higher print temperature than other materials, typically between 240-260 degrees Celsius. The print speed should be slower than normal, usually around 30-50 mm/s. The cooling fan should be turned off, as it can cause warping or cracking in the printed nylon.

Monitor the Print

Monitoring the print is crucial when printing with nylon. Due to its tendency to warp, it’s important to keep an eye on the print and make adjustments as necessary. For example, if the print begins to warp or lift from the bed, you may need to adjust the print temperature or use a stronger adhesive layer.


Post-processing is an important consideration when printing with nylon. Nylon prints can be quite strong and durable, but may require some additional steps to clean up or smooth out any rough edges. Sanding or filing can be used to smooth out any imperfections or rough spots in the printed nylon.

3D printing with nylon can be challenging, but with the right filament, printing surface, and settings, it is possible to achieve high-quality prints. It’s important to choose the right nylon filament for your needs, prepare the printing surface properly, adjust the printing settings, and monitor the print closely. With practice and experience, you can master the process of 3D printing with nylon and create strong, durable, and flexible prints for a variety of applications.