How do I Publish a Website?

Creating a website is a process made simple with site builders and freelancers willing to do the work for you. For the novice who wants to publish a website, these routes are probably best. First, however, you need to choose a domain to register, which is essentially the name of your website and the text that makes up part of the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Next, choose between a site builder or freelance web designer to put together the content and layout of the website and publish it. Creating a website can range from inexpensive to very expensive, depending on the methods used.

Choosing a domain is often complicated because people tend to put a lot of thought into it. Sometimes, however, a person wants to create a website just to host his or her resume, in which case using his or her real name or nickname is a popular and easy option. Whatever you choose as a domain, you will need to register it with an Internet domain registrar and host it with a web hosting company. The price of domain registration depends on the popularity of the domain, the generic top-level domain (gTLD), such as .com or .biz, and how long you choose to register it. Hosting can usually be paid by month or year and ranges from cheap to inexpensive, though websites for personal use typically do not require expensive hosting packages.

Once the domain is registered, working, and hosted, you can start building the website. Many web hosting companies offer site builders for free or at a small additional cost to help novices create a professional-looking website with no coding experience. Often, the site builder will lead the website owner through the entire process of choosing a layout, theme, and placing content on a new website. This is one of the easiest ways for novice webmasters to publish a website, and it usually does not require help from someone with more website building experience.

Hiring a web designer is also a popular and viable way to publish a website. This method is often very expensive compared to using a site builder to publish a website, but it is a hands-free method that generally only requires talking to someone about what you want. The web designer can code and build your website precisely the way you want, either for a flat fee or hourly rate. He or she can also tweak the website once it is finished for an additional fee or even for free.