How Do I Choose the Best Communication Headset?

Before you choose a communication headset for your needs, be sure to think carefully about how the headset is likely to be used on a regular basis. Some communication headset models are designed to be lightweight and compact, while others are focused more on sound quality and construction than on weight or space savings. Regardless of the headset you ultimately choose, be sure the unit fits comfortably on your head and over your ears, and make sure any microphones are adjustable enough that you can place it comfortably in front of your mouth for optimal performance.

Some communication headset models are noise attenuating, which means outside noises are reduced or eliminated so sounds being projected through the headphones are clear and unobstructed. This attenuation can be done in a variety of ways; the communication headset may fit entirely over the ear to form a seal that will prevent outside noises from reaching the ear, or other, more advanced technologies may be used. This feature can be especially handy if you will be working in noisy environments, but keep in mind that headsets with noise attenuation will generally be more expensive than other models.

Some varieties of the communication headset are push-button operated. This means in order to hear sounds or activate the microphone, you will have to press a button on the headset. This is useful if you will be operating in a two-way radio type of communication system, or if you need to control what is said and heard on a particular channel. Other headsets will be on all the time, which means you will always hear any voice traffic on a particular channel, and your voice will always be heard on that channel as well. Choose the system that is most appropriate for your needs; if you are unsure which design is most appropriate, it may be wise to choose a system that can switch between the two.

The style of the headset can vary as well. Some headsets feature earpieces for both ears, while others may feature only one earpiece and a brace on the other side of the head to keep everything in place. A one-ear headset is useful if you also need to hear sounds outside of the headset unit, or if you want less bulk on your head during use. Some simpler versions of the communication headset feature in-ear sound pieces that are exceptionally lightweight, though they may not feature as high a level of sound quality as other units.