How Do I Choose the Best Headphone Amp?

Most quality headphones have a build-in amp, but this is not always adequate. If you need a better headphone amplifier for recording, studio work, jamming, home entertainment, electronic devices, or portable music players, you’ll want to find the best headphone amp for each purpose, or for several purposes. When choosing the best headphone amp for your particular application, be aware that some headphone amps are multipurpose, whereas others are best for only a limited type of use.

When buying headphone amps for watching movies and listening to music, very basic models can provide an excellent boost to audio quality. They can produce remarkably better sound for very little money. Most inexpensive amps are great for any audiophile that can’t use a loud and expensive sound system, or can’t always have the volume at an optimal level, and they’re also helpful for those who are hard of hearing. It’s important to find the best headphone amp for the headphones you plan to use.

Gamers seeking a headphone amplifier should make sure to choose a model that is compatible with their headphones, gaming system, and computer sound card. Sometimes you’re better off upgrading a sound card than buying another piece of equipment. Certain amps are also much better for connecting multiple devices, so look for good reviews from other gamers. Not every headphone amp is designed to work with a computer or gaming system.

Inexpensive headphone amps work well for a variety of applications, but if you’re looking for only the highest quality sound or mixing capability, you might need to spend more. Some headphone amps will work as a central controller with multiple ins and outs for different digital and analog sources. Others have multiple channel mixing capabilities and the ability for many people to listen at once. With more advanced models, you can monitor and mix a studio recording session or live performance. For professional use, mixing and distribution capabilities are essential considerations.

If you want the best headphone amp for jamming, but not necessarily recording, inexpensive models usually allow you and other players to listen through headphones at the same time. Certain cheaper but adequate models will also create a rhythm with desired programmable beats per minute. They will help you tune, and will allow you to work with a few basic effects. Such models often allow users to patch in music to play along with when practicing alone or learning a new song, and there are models designed specifically for particular instruments.

While determining how you might use an audio amplifier, it can be useful to read and compare online reviews and descriptions. This is not only a great way of finding the best headphone amp for you, but it might also alert you to additional uses you didn’t originally think of. It might turn out that the best headphone amp actually has more applications you can take advantage of, so investigate carefully. It’s also helpful to talk to someone in a music shop.
When buying a headphone amp, make sure you know what you are getting. Keep in mind that most models don’t come with all the cables you’ll probably need. Ask a lot of questions, read the warranty carefully, and make sure you are aware of return policies.