The best way for a people to get rid of spam is generally to take preventative measures and make sure they don’t end up on the wrong mailing lists. This will often involve setting up new or multiple email addresses for different purposes. There are also some software solutions that can be helpful in the effort to get rid of spam. Many email providers have these solutions built in, and it is also possible to use various third-party software options.
When an individual gives out his email address on the Internet, he generally puts himself at risk of getting on a spammer’s mailing list. For example, if someone signs up to a website and offers his email address as part of the registration process, he has put the address in danger of being overrun with spam. Even websites that seem very safe can potentially result in a spam attack.
For these reasons, the most common approach in the effort to get rid of spam is for people to avoid any activity that puts their primary email address at risk. They will generally set up multiple email accounts that are used for different things. One email may exist specifically to use in situations where spam is a danger, while another may be used for closest friends and family. In some cases, the person will also set up an email specifically for professional concerns, partly because it is sometimes necessary to put business addresses in greater danger.
Once these additional emails are set up, the person has to be careful what people get access to which email addresses. If another person hands out the individual’s email address for any reason, the address may be quickly compromised, and it can be difficult to get rid of spam once an address is in the spammer’s list. To keep this from happening, it may be necessary for people to instruct their closest friends about the proper email security protocols to follow.
It’s also considered important for a person to avoid responding to any spam emails that show up. Spammers have all sorts of methods of evaluating email addresses, and sometimes the initial email is a test to see if the address is worth bothering with. If the person even looks at it, it may trigger an auto-responder that will alert the spammer that the email was examined. Responding to one of these emails is generally even more dangerous. It is often recommended that people automatically delete any emails that come from unknown sources, especially if they have suspicious-looking titles.