What are Printable Cards?

Printable cards are greeting cards created with the use of basic software and may be printed on demand. Because the designs for the cards can be saved permanently, it is possible to print one or several copies of the same card at any time desired. Printable greeting cards can be created and printed using a desktop computer and a simple software program, or downloaded from websites offering card templates that can be customized for the occasion.

All that is really required to print cards is a computer with a high quality color printer. Software can be used to design and print cards of all types, from birthday cards to holiday cards or even business cards. In addition to the software, printable cards also require cardstock for the printing process if the result is to have the overall look and feel of a professionally printed greeting card.

Online printable cards are offered by a number of name brand card manufacturers. Some of the card designs are fee-based. That is, the consumer pays for the privilege of customizing the card template and then printing out one or more copies of the finished card. In some cases, a bank of free printable cards can be found at a number of different web sites. While these free cards are usually simple in design and may or many not be easy to customize, it is possible to find a free card for just about any occasion.

When using an online site, it is also possible to create an e-card that can be emailed as an attachment or accessed at the site by the recipient. Assuming that the electronic card was set up for printing, the recipient can view the card online, then print the card out on any type of cardstock. This option is growing in popularity, as it makes it possible to send holiday and birthday cards to friends and relatives for a fraction of the cost associated with purchasing and mailing a traditional card.

Along with the basic printable cards, it is also possible to create, send, and print e-cards that feature audio components. The online versions usually include the ability to listen to music cards featuring canned music or other audio presentations. Some sites that provide the ability to create electronic printable cards will also provide the ability to record a customized message to accompany the card. These recordable cards are sent with a sound file that can also be downloaded and copied onto a remote storage device for inclusion with the printed card.