What Are the Different Types of Computer Security Technology?

The use of computer security technology is necessary for any machine that’s connected to a network or to the Internet. Data protection is often a top priority for businesses, governments, and even home users. Hackers often try to compromise systems in order to gain access to financial or personal information, which in turn can be sold or used to commit identity theft. The technologies that are employed to protect a computer usually include a combination of hardware and software, including virus protection softward, firewalls, and security protocols. This allows the computer owner to keep the network safe as well as individual machines that are tied to the network. The forms of computer security technology are always advancing rapidly, but hackers often find new ways to exploit security just as quickly.

Virus protection software is the most basic form of computer security technology. The best forms include both email and Internet browsing protection. A scanning program that examines incoming emails for threats can guard against viruses, worms, and spam email. These programs often monitor the computer’s system for any registry changes that may not have been authorized by the user. Spam email that ends up in the inbox often has malware in it that can compromise and slow down a system. Internet browsing security is equally important to guard against attack sites and attacks against open ports on a computer. Hackers often use trusted URLs to piggyback their way onto a system, so a virus protection software should be used that can ascertain the validity of incoming web traffic.

A firewall is an essential form of computer security technology. The firewall controls where data can go on a network and which data are allowed to be moved. Modern firewalls are able to be deployed both at the borders of a network and internally in order to fully protect a network. They often can differentiate between an application and a function of an application in order to control the flow of data on a network. A firewall can protect a network from outside attacks and can also keep data compartmentalized within a network for security and privacy. For example, a company will often have information, such as payroll, on its servers that is not accessible to all employees on the network.

A security protocol to protect a wireless Internet connection is another important piece of computer security technology. WPA2 is the most modern form of wireless network security. It uses AES encryption to protect the wireless signal and prevent hackers from accessing the Internet over the connection. Without a security protocol of this nature, hackers are often able to bypass the network easily and gain access to data.