What is a Database Editor?

A database is a software application that is designed to manage the digital file storage for computers. A database editor is a special programming tool that is used by database administrators (DBA). This tool provides the DBA with a savable scratchpad for creating database scripts and schema.
Creating and managing databases is a complex function that requires strict organization and business processes. Today there are many tools that assist the database developer with the configuration and management of these complex databases. These tools are designed to create a user-friendly software application that interacts with the complex database engine.

Databases are configured by a special programming language known as the structured query language (SQL). This is a script-based language that allows for the access of data within a database. Each language has unique formatting requirements that make a database perform specific tasks correctly. A database editor is a software application that provides validation of these formatting rules. This SQL validation process ensures that database scripts are formatted correctly before they are used inside a program.

Procedural Language/Structured Query Language (PLSQL) is a programmable scripting language for Oracle database applications. This language provides DBAs with the ability to write complex queries, which can be used to produce sophisticated reports. PLSQL is typically written within a database editor tool. This tool allows programmer to create, modify, and manage PLSQL scripting programs.

There are many free database editor tools available today on the Internet. These tools provide some basic database script management functions. Open-source software is also freely available and provides for a more robust version of an editing tool. This type of software is typically managed by people in a social developer networking group, which builds software in their spare time.

Some examples of open-source database editor tools include MYSQL, TOra and iSQL-Viewer. These tools provide a robust software application to create, manage, and manipulate database systems. Most open source editors include developer support from the social developer community, which is typically not available with most free versions of software.

A commercial database editor is typically more expensive but provides the added benefit of multiple database support. Tool for application developers (TOAD) is an example of a commercial database editor tool. It is widely used by the database development community because of the advanced features it offers.
Database editors are available for all types of databases. Each editor contains the formatting rules based on the specific database for which it was designed. A DBA is typically only familiar with a few database editor’s because each editor is designed for a specific database.