What is a Talking Thermometer?

A talking thermometer is a device that measures and sometimes records temperatures. Talking thermometers often are marketed to those who suffer from visual impairments or blindness, but they also can be used by those who simply prefer to have temperatures announced rather than read. These thermometers can be created to measure body temperatures, to measure the temperature indoors or outdoors and to be used in the kitchen. Their applications are numerous, and many are available alongside their non-talking counterparts.

Features of talking thermometers can vary between models. However, talking thermometers usually have large liquid crystal display (LCD) screens that show temperatures after they’ve been taken. Some thermometers might have features that help recall previously recorded temperatures. Some thermometers might even allow their owners to choose if they wish to hear temperatures in a male voice or female voice.

When one thinks about talking thermometers, what comes to mind usually are thermometers designed to be used on the body. Indeed, talking thermometers can be created to be used orally, under the arm or rectally. Raised buttons can help those with visual impairments operate the device. The thermometers can be quick to yield accurate results.

A talking thermometer also can come as a device meant to be used on meats or in the oven. A barbecue thermometer or cooking thermometer of this sort can help those in need of independent living devices, but it also can come in handy for people who find themselves busy in the kitchen. Employing talking thermometers in the kitchen can help cooks save time and keep tabs on the progress of certain dishes while preparing others.

Similarly, talking thermometers can be used to help determine the temperatures of indoor or outdoor environments. Devices such as these often have a large button on them; when pressed, the talking thermometer will announce the current temperature. Thermometers can be programmed so that temperatures can be announced hourly or at specific times. The volume might be able to be controlled through the device’s interface. Some talking thermometers also can double as alarm clocks.

In addition to having numerous practical uses, a talking thermometer can have the unexpected application of helping parents with their children. Using a talking thermometer to take a child’s temperature can mean the difference between the little one being fussy or being compliant. When a sick child is already irritable because of an illness, a talking thermometer can help calm down him or her and offer a quick distraction as the child’s temperature is being taken.