What Is an Enterprise Information System?

An enterprise information system is a computing platform with the ability to handle a large organization. It is typically composed of several integrated elements which function individually and together. Overall, the system creates unity among the different technological functions of the business.
A typical enterprise information system will often require more than one technical professional to maintain. Depending upon the structure of an organization, there may be an entire department devoted to provide services for the enterprise information system. This group can provide maintenance, troubleshooting, and security. A service department may also be involved in expansion of the system, though this type of work can also be outsourced, depending on the complexity of the project.

Using an enterprise information system to manage all the computing functions of an organization can improve communication among various departments. It provides a central location for information with the potential for any employee to gain access. This kind of system can also ensure that current information will be made available to multiple departments as soon as it is entered.

While the overall enterprise information system will typically be based on one type of technology, it will usually be so complex that a great deal of hardware is necessary in order for it to run. Though it is integrated, the hardware may be placed in different locations. It may also be maintained by different professionals, which can affect the efficiency of the system if that process is not handled properly.

An enterprise information system can also simplify the process of managing computing functions for an organization. This is primarily because there is usually a single standard for adding, updating, and otherwise managing files, even if the system is spread across different locations. There is also only one type of technology to maintain, rather than an array of systems which require different kinds of management and troubleshooting.

The process of storing, managing, and otherwise working with information in an enterprise information system is known as data architecture. This practice can include anything from daily maintenance to complex projects that will ensure the long-term health of the system. Data architects are suited to managing enterprise information systems because they are able to integrate varied data sources. A typical data architect will also be able to visualize and create a concept for whole system design. This is a crucial skill set for the development of a functional enterprise information system.