What is Blogspot&Trade?

Blogspot™ is a blog hosting service offered through Google’s Blogger program. It allows bloggers to build their own blog in less than five minutes. Both the domain name and hosting are free for as long as the blogger wishes to use it. Using Google’s Adsense program, users can even make money from their blog, something not offered by many other free blogging platforms.

Blogspot™ offers people interested in blogging a quick and easy way to get started. A blog can be used for almost anything, from a personal diary to a professional work area, where coworkers can communicate and share ideas. There is really no limit to what a blog can be used for. Blogs offer a great opportunity for people to share their ideas. Blogs offer instant publishing, a way for readers to interact using comments and polls, and a chance for people to connect with others who have similar goals, lifestyles, and interests.

Pyra Labs developed Blogspot™ in 1999 as a dedicated blog hosting tool. It was purchased in 2003 by Google, and since then has grown to become one of the most popular free-hosting blog sites on the internet. It’s easy to use, and takes only a few minutes to go through the set up process and start blogging. There is no technical information or difficult software to figure out.

The only thing that users need to get a Blogspot™ blog is a free Google account. Signing up requires users to pick a unique name for their blog, something that no one else is using. This name is then used as the domain name, hosted off the Blogspot™ website. .

Blogspot™ may not have some of the tools and features of other free blogging services, but that is what makes it so easy for new bloggers to use. Google doesn’t require that bloggers know anything about tags, keywords, or even how to label pictures. This doesn’t mean that Blogspot™ doesn’t have advanced features. More advanced users can alter almost everything in their blog, design their own template, and even use Google’s website analyzing program. Google has thousands of gadgets that can be added to blogs, and bloggers can even set up a multiple user blog, allowing several blog authors to contribute on the same blog.