What Is Mobile Video Conferencing?

Mobile video conferencing is a type of conferencing service that makes it possible to use handheld devices to conduct simple two-way video meetings without the need to make use of video conferencing systems or invest a great deal of money in video conferencing equipment. By making use of the wireless capacity of most mobile devices today, the point-to-point video conference allows two parties to enjoy a face to face meeting using the resources provided by the mobile carrier. Unlike traditional video conferences, there is no need to certify either site prior to the live meeting, if both points are equipped with the proper operating system and have the resources necessary to support the video conference feature.

There are several benefits associated with mobile video conferencing. One has to do with the ability to conduct a quick meeting between two parties without a great deal of advance notice. Since the conference is conducted via a handheld device, there is no need to reserve space in a conference room in advance, nor the need to test the equipment in the conference room to make sure the signal is stable and secure. This means that the two attendees do not have to be in any particular location to participate in the call. For example, an employer may be at his or her place of business and hold a quick mobile conference with a remote employee who is en route to an appointment with a customer.

While mobile video conferencing is an excellent way to add another dimension to a one on one meeting, this communication tool does lack some of the functionality of the more established video conferencing that involves the use of set locations. The mobile approach does not typically allow full participation from multiple locations, and the moderator of the meeting does not have the ability to split a view screen in order to see each participating location. With some handheld devices that are equipped with this type of service feature, the image resolution may also be inferior in comparison to the video quality found with the more expensive equipment that is set up in conference rooms.

Over time, the limitations on mobile video conferencing will likely be overcome, allowing this option to gradually become richer in features and expand from the simple one on one audio and video communication that is currently possible. This will increase the ability of people to work from anywhere while still being able to communicate effectively with both sight and sound. As was true with traditional video conferencing equipment throughout the latter part of the 20th century and into the new century, the costs of the devices and the monthly service fees associated with handheld equipment that supports mobile video conferencing will likely decrease as technology continues to advance.