What is SaaS Management?

The term SaaS management can be used to describe two very different scenarios. The most commonly used application is the process of providing information technology management as a hosted service. Less frequently, the term is used to describe the implementation of management software that is being provided through a service.
Software as a service (SaaS) is a method of software implementation that occurs when the customer is purchasing the rights to access and use the software, but not own it. This is an important distinction, both in terms of hard dollar costs of the software and the software support obligations associated with this product. The SaaS supplier has two options: host the application in its entirety or allow the customer to download it for a contracted period of time.

SaaS management is a growing trend in information technology management. Many firms are overwhelmed with the level of work required to manage all the hardware and software products now required to operate the business or organization. The concept of providing technology management as a service is growing is popularity, as new tools become available to make this is a streamlined process.

When selecting a SaaS management solution, it is important to have a firm understanding of what types of services the firm provides, where it is located, and the qualifications of the staff. Data ownership and confidentiality are two critical points that must be included in any SaaS management contract. Take the time to check all references and consider the short- and long-term consequences of the decisions you make.

SaaS management can also describe information technology management software. This family of software products is primarily focused on fixed asset tracking, project management, and maintenance schedules. Although it has been available for some time, this group of products is not very popular in the SaaS marketplace. Many firms prefer to maintain this data with an internal system.

When reviewing the different options, take the time to check references and meet with sales and support staff. Be sure to actively solicit the opinions of staff within your organization to evaluate the pros and cons of moving to this type of environment. Although the short-term impact may include savings in salary and support costs, there are other costs that must be considered. Look at the performance contract and determine if the organization will be negatively impacted by any interruptions in service.