What is XSLT?

In computing, extensible stylesheet language transformation (XSLT) is a simple scripting language. It is designed to convert data from XML file formats into other generic formats. This scripting language is typically used on the Internet for the development of web pages.
Manually transforming XML files into usable formats is a daunting task that typically requires the use of special scripting tools. The XSLT scripting language was created to make it easier for software engineers to transform XML files into other formats. This scripting tool quickly became the standard method for manipulating XML files because it is easy to use.

XSLT includes a special application programming interface (API). These are the functions and interfaces designed to assist the developer in conversion and transformation necessary to convert file formats. This scripting language also includes special functions designed specifically to help with browsing files.

One of the primary uses of XSLT is converting XML files into basic hypertext markup language (HTML). HTML is the language that is used on web pages for the Internet to display screens. This format is the standard for displaying information on web sites. Using a scripting language makes it easier to transform the data from XML files into this standard Internet format.

XSLT is freely available on the Internet. This scripting language works on multiple operating systems and can be easily configured within a standard interface development environment. The software package has a standard installation process, which quickly downloads and installs the application onto the computer.

Learning the XSLT scripting language is fairly simple. There are many free tutorials available on the Internet. These tutorials typically provide sample scripts. There are also several good books available that explain the fundamentals of using this scripting language.

Most web development training courses include an overview of XSLT functions and techniques. These courses explain when and how to use scripting language. The language requires an understanding of basic computer processing, including business logic and file input and output (IO) techniques.
There are also many commercial products that have wrapped XSLT into a software development application. These tools make it easier to create, manage, and manipulate XML files. Most commercial products include maintenance and support, which is typically missing from free versions of the scripting language.