What are the Best Tips for Online Portfolio Design?

There are a number of different tips and suggestions for creating an effective online portfolio design. Someone creating an online portfolio should try to make it clean and easy to navigate, both in how information and images are displayed and how someone can find different parts of the portfolio. The designer of such a portfolio should also consider the purpose of the portfolio and ensure that the purpose is clear. While no single template necessarily makes for the best online portfolio design, viewing the portfolios of others can help someone see what does and does not work well.

Online portfolio design typically refers to the layout and general aesthetic choices made in creating an online portfolio. An online portfolio is a website, blog, or other Internet feature used as a showcase for the work of a particular artist. This is typically used to attract new clients who may want to hire the artist and to display the work that the artist has done for others to see.

One of the best guidelines for online portfolio design is that it should be clean and easy to navigate. This means that different menus and directories on the website should all be easy to read, find, and reach from each other. Website controls such as directory menus and “back” or “home” buttons should not be hidden, and the entire site should function as a way to show off the work of the artist. Even if an artist wants to make his or her portfolio more unique, he or she should ensure that the online portfolio design does not get in the way of the purpose of the site.

Determining the purpose of a portfolio before creating it can often help guide the online portfolio design for a particular artist. Someone trying to use his or her portfolio to find work, for example, should show clear demonstrations of previous work, especially work done for paying clients. He or she should also provide an easy-to-find way to contact the artist, usually through e-mail, and this should be provided with some other background information about the artist. Someone creating a portfolio simply to show off his or her work to others could utilize a more avant-garde online portfolio design, but this is usually inadvisable when looking for professional work.

It can also help an artist to look at other portfolios for ideas. This does not mean that someone should simply use the exact same wording and layout used by another person, but using templates can be an excellent way to simplify the process. There are many websites that can be used to create an online portfolio, which typically offer templates for use to create a usable portfolio quickly and easily.