What is a Php Editor?

Hypertext preprocessor (PHP) is a popular scripting language that is used for building web-based software applications. The PHP developer typically uses a PHP editor to manage the software code for an application. This editor provides the necessary format validations and editing that is required to create a working program within this language.
Software development editors have been in use since development began many decades ago. These editors provide the essential tools necessary for a programmer to manage and manipulate his software code. The PHP editor is a specific editor that is designed to manage PHP software code. This editor increases development productivity by making it easier to manage, review, and modify PHP scripts.

There are several types of editors available that support PHP development. These range in complexity and functionality. Several fully functional editors are available for free that are sufficient for most development tasks. A commercial PHP editor can also be purchased, which typically includes advanced customer support and additional functionality.

Each PHP editor is designed to work with a specific operating system. When selecting an editor it is important to verify the operating system platform that the specific editor supports. This will ensure the software will function in the environment that it is intended.

Extensible markup language (XML) is considered the standard method of sharing information on the Internet. Having XML functionality within a PHP editor provides added support for the developer. Most commercial products support an XML integration environment.

NuSphere PhpED and Dreamweaver are two examples of commercial PHP editors. These editors provide a good quality interface for managing PHP scripts including debugging, reporting, and validating the code is correctly formatted. These commercial products provide an integrated development environment that allows for full coding and testing of PHP code.

Several editors also offer code insertion processes. This is similar to a copy- and-paste implementation where the system inserts predefined blocks of code based on standard coding scripts. This saves significant time for the developer because he can insert several lines of code with one key stroke.
In addition to commercially available editors, there are also many free versions that provide adequate support for most PHP projects. These editors can be downloaded from the Internet and provide a cost-efficient method for creating web applications. When selecting a free version, it is best to ensure some software support is available for the product. This support will become essential if the developer has issues with his newly downloaded PHP editor.