What is Movie Editor Software?

Movie editor software allows users to edit and enhance video files through a computer. There are many different versions of movie editor software, from free downloadable programs to professional level systems that require high-speed editing computers. Learning the basics of movie editor software can make it easy to turn raw video files into fully rendered movies.

Many computer operating systems come with a built-in movie editor program that allows basic editing of files. With these programs, users can stitch together video clips, add music or sound effects, and even add transitional effects such as fades. These basic programs, as well as free download editing software, are great for creating home movies, tribute videos, or basic films and music videos.

Since videos can be recorded in a variety of formats, it is important to install movie editor software programs that are compatible with the type of file format. Most downloadable programs will indicate which file formats can be put into the program for editing. If a user intends to add audio files — such as songs or sound effects — to video clips, be sure that the audio file format is also compatible with the program.

Basic movie editor software may vary somewhat in features and performance, but most offer a simple, user-friendly interface that can be mastered quickly. Video clips can be dragged into an empty track for editing, where the user can zoom in on the file to see where edits should be made. For those adding additional audio files, multiple tracks can be used. Most programs feature a time line over the tracks to help keep tabs on the length of each element.

With the rise of the Internet as a medium for film and entertainment programming, movie editor software has become widely available to the public. As computers increase in processing ability, programs are now available to everyday users that could once only be accessed by professionals with specific editing suites. Many low-budget films are now easily edited using movie editor software on a standard laptop.

Although movie editor software can now easily be used to edit a feature film, there are a variety of other projects that even editing beginners can complete with basic software. Consider stringing together video clips and still photographs with a soundtrack to make a digital album from a trip or major event. Amateur bands can also use editing software to create their own music videos for release on the internet.