What is New Media Production?

New media production is a term that describes the development and creation of interactive and multimedia including website design, audio and video streaming, social networks, online communities, Internet advertising, DVD design, game design, and online publication. Creative, technical, and business disciplines such as software development, graphic design, animation, music, web development, video production, marketing and advertising blend with the newest technology to produce a broad scope of dynamic ideas. As the pace of new technology quickens and the digital environment broadens, the world of new media becomes more challenging and its consumers more demanding.

The first examples of new media production came with the software and video game industry. A combination of complex programming, animation, sound design, plot development and music composition created a new category of entertainment, lifestyle and culture. These production teams are required to develop stories, create characters, build new worlds and give them substance through the digital technology and tools that improve almost daily. This form of entertainment and display of technology paved the way for new media production and its impact in other areas.

As technology has grown so has the internet’s demand for fuel to increase its strength and efficiency as the primary hub of communication and entertainment for the modern world. The next level of new media production came as websites grew from static pages of text and pictures to fluid, exciting works of art combining audio, video, animation and motion graphics that rival productions once suitable only for film and television. Quickly joining the ranks of print, radio and television as a primary source of content including news, music, broadcast and film, new media production provides the canvas, the painting and the artistry that has become so common in the world.

Interactive, social media platforms are also a huge product, which comes from the new media production environment. Blending existing technologies such as web design, database development, graphic design, marketing and entertainment and adding the elements of community, communication components from e-mail to instant messaging, a world of social media is born. A different level of new media production has creatively intertwined several technologies to develop a new arena where individuals can share ideas, report news, voice opinions, broadcast creativity and communicate with others that they may never have met before.

New media production touches an ever-increasing number of platforms, professions and cultures as time moves forward, the world changes, and technology is developed.