What Should I Know About Genealogy Websites?

More and more people are becoming interested in learning about their family history. Unlike in the past, families are much farther apart, causing its members to lose contact. Thanks to technological advances, people are now able to learn about their family history online at genealogy websites.
Researching genealogy websites is very easy. Start out by searching for your family information using your first and last name. If you are married, use your maiden name. If you can’t find any information using your name, try your parents’ names. If your family lost contact several generations before, you may have to look up information by your great grandparents’ names.

Genealogy websites are also easier to create than most people realize. Knowledge of HTML or FTP isn’t necessary to create a website where you can share your family history. Before you create your website you will need to research your family history, which you can do through questioning family members and researching your family name on ancestry.com or similar websites.

There are several websites that offer free web hosting where you can create a web page to share your family information online. These websites have a space to type your blog and upload your pictures. When making your genealogy websites on these free web hosting servers, you will need to create a username and password, and fill out the online registration form. From here, you can choose whether you would like to create a web page in the form of a blog, or an online photo album.

After filling out the registration information, you can choose the background appearance for the genealogy websites. Choose your color, font style and layout. If desired, add links to favorite websites.
Genealogy websites have blogs about your family history, recent events, and the newest additions to the family. The web hosting servers offer tutorials on how to do these things. Here is where you can also add pictures and a family tree. Scan your old photos that were passed down from grandparents or aunts and uncles to add them to the website.

There are several websites that are specifically meant to design family trees. These services are offered for a fee, but make the process easier for those who desire a template to work with. These websites include, but aren’t limited to, tribalpages.com, familytreemaker.com and geni.com. You can make your web page accessible to the public, or for privacy reasons, just to those whom you invite.