What is an SMS Search?

A Short Message System (SMS) search is typically available through a service that allows you to retrieve various types of information through text messages on cellular telephones. A consumer may need to sign a contract through a cell phone company or other service to enable him or her to perform an SMS search through a mobile phone rather than on a computer. SMS searches typically involve searching for information using keywords, such as news, restaurants, movies and hotels. SMS search capability can also be a handy search tool for travelers who don’t want to lug around laptops.

In most cases, SMS searches involve useful such information as listings for local businesses, weather, traffic, news and more. The user simply sends an inquiry via text message from his cell phone. He may submit a few keywords or simply enter the name of an establishment along with the zip code. In return the user will receive a text message reply from the service provider with the results of the search.

Along with searches that can readily be performed on a cell phone, the user will typically have the ability to text for help or frequently asked questions as well. Troubleshooting may also be addressed through this method of text. In some cases, the SMS search functions may also feature the option of customer support through texting as well.

Many cell phone users prefer the SMS services for convenience and efficiency. While traveling, some individuals who cannot take their portable laptop computers along with them prefer the SMS search services that are readily available. This service is designed for those who need access to information in an expedient, mobile manner.

These applications that allow for SMS searches through mobile devices often come standard with basic features. Some of the advanced SMS marketing campaigns have devised various incentives for their services. An anonymous SMS for example, allows users to keep their identity hidden. There are free SMS search services as well. Most SMS search applications, however, require a monthly subscription fee.

Additionally, most service providers offer a convenient way of finding information by entering a shortcut. Typically, this is done by entering a few characters or digits that correspond to the inquiry. Many companies offer shortcuts for local weather, stock quotes, dictionary services and many more.

While cellular phone SMS search applications are not designed as a substitute tool for online search engines, they do provide a necessary service for many individuals. This service obviously cannot offer the ability to search for unlimited information which requires a Web browser, however it has become a popular tool on its own accord. More and more providers have begun to offer subscribers an SMS search option as the need continues to grow.