How do I Choose the Best Free SMS Site?

Sending SMS messages, also known as text messages, has become a mainstream way to communicate. Nearly any cell phone can receive text messages as long as the carrier’s plan provides for them. On many plans, however, text messages cost extra and sending multiple SMS messages to friends and family can get costly. A free SMS site will provide a way to send texts to cell phones without having to use your own phone. Choosing the best free SMS site from the many options available online will depend on the type of message that you are sending.

While sending an SMS message from a website is an effective way to contact your recipient, this method can be lacking when it comes to allowing that person to respond. If you don’t need a response, you can use almost any SMS site to get the job done. Some have fewer ads, or may offer a shorter response time. For basic messages that don’t need a response you’ll likely want a site with the fewest frills possible, to make the communication quick and efficient.

If you want the recipient to be able to respond to your message, select a site that asks for your email address for responses. With these sites, the recipients can reply to the text they receive and their message will be sent to your inbox. If you’re planning to have a lengthy conversation this way, make sure that the site you choose doesn’t limit the number of SMS messages you can send each day.

Another feature you may be interested in from some SMS sites is the ability to send a message to multiple recipients at once. These sites prohibit spamming, so you cannot use them to send ads. The best way to use this feature would be to send a mass message such as a birth announcement or party invitation.

If you really want to get fancy with your SMS messages, a few sites will allow you to attach pictures or videos to your message. You can simply upload files from your computer and attach them to the message. Keep in mind that the recipient will need the ability to receive and open pictures and videos on his phone in order to receive this type of message.

The last thing to take into consideration when trying to choose the best free SMS site is whether you really need to use a website to accomplish your goal to begin with. Most cell phones can receive email messages sent as text messages, and will be able to respond directly to your message. You can look up the proper suffix for the cell phone carrier of the recipient, then simply add this on to their full ten digit phone number.
Whatever your needs, a quick Internet search will yield many options. Browse several sites and evaluate their features first. After a quick look around, you should be able to easily select the best free SMS site for your message.