What is Online Traffic School?

An online traffic school offers driving safety courses over the Internet. Often, drivers can get tickets for traffic violations reduced or dismissed if they take an approved driving course. Passing a course at an online traffic school may also help a driver remove points from his driving record or lower his insurance premium. Online traffic … Read more

What is a Travel Keyboard?

A travel keyboard is an accessory that attaches to the laptop through the USB cable. This keyboard maintains the familiar comfort of a traditional keyboard, and it has the accessibility of a portable computer for maximum work efficiency. Laptop computers offer all the benefits of a desktop computer, but with the convenience of mobility. However, … Read more

What is Shopping Cart Software?

Shopping cart software is a computer program or series of programs designed to make online shopping possible. People use it to purchase goods or services via the Internet. The process of buying and selling through the Internet is known as e-commerce. An online shopping cart mimics a physical shopping cart by allowing the customer to … Read more

What is a Registry Cleaner Optimizer?

A registry cleaner optimizer performs one or more functions involving the Windows registry. This is a database of information about the various programs on a computer. Cleaning the registry can theoretically lead to performance improvements. There is some debate about how successful such tools are, or whether they may even do more harm than good. … Read more

What are the Origins of Wireless Hotspots?

Wireless hotspots originate from both small and large networks that have installed a wireless router and have Internet access and have left the wireless or “wifi” port open for public connectivity. Many networks have all three requirements, from John Q. Public’s computer room, to the business center in town. Wireless hotspots are therefore generated from … Read more

What is Online Summer School?

Online summer school may mean a few different things. It can be agreed upon that any coursework or school is usually offered in an online setting, which means it can be open to enrollment by anyone qualifying or paying the amount required. It does not necessarily mean that the school is accredited and will be … Read more

What is a Search Engine Submission?

Search engine submission is the submission of a website to a search engine, such as Google or Yahoo! Search. The purpose of submitting a website to a search engine is to get it listed, either because the webmaster does not want to wait for the search engine to add the website automatically or because the … Read more

What is the Open Source Community?

“Open source” software is generally defined as computer software for which the source code is available for free to anyone who is interested. In practice, this means software gets developed using code any interested party can access. Such transparency creates a trust in the developer, because anyone interested can investigate the code to try to … Read more

What is an Adware Remover?

An adware remover is a software program that helps a computer user remove advertising-supported software and stand-alone adware. Adware is commonly downloaded as part of another program that is free but relies on money earned through advertisements to make a profit. These programs can frequently interrupt a computer user with pop-up ads, download additional ads … Read more

What are Search Engine Rankings?

Search engine rankings have to do with how high on an Internet search a given web site or web page will show up in the results of the search. As the use of the World Wide Web has become increasingly important as a means of generating revenue for businesses and individuals, obtaining a higher ranking … Read more

What is a Web Callback?

A web callback is a service offered by some websites that allows customers or potential clients to request a phone call from a company or organization. Users can enter their phone numbers through a website form and are contacted by customer service or sales representatives that can solve technical problems, close a sale, or provide … Read more

How do I Choose the Best Affordable Web Design?

Selecting the best affordable web design can be a challenge, particularly for entrepreneurs or anyone doing business online. If you are trying to create a favorable professional image to present the rest of the world, choosing a web designer to put together a professional looking website can be of the utmost importance. Choosing the right … Read more

What is Systems Management?

The phrase “systems management” refers to the process involved with protecting and overseeing a network of computers in order to keep them working at optimal levels. This responsibility inside the corporate world normally falls to a system administrator, and he would have many technicians available to perform troubleshooting, updates, and system repairs. Systems management often … Read more

What is Building Design Software?

Building design software functions in much the same manner as other construction-oriented programs. Users begin with a specific type of project in mind, and the software facilitates the easy design and management of the project. Due to the multifaceted nature of building design, and the fact that the undertaking includes more than simply creating a … Read more

What are Online Bids?

Online bids are a way to purchase items on an online auction site. Instead of simply purchasing an item outright, the website user will instead place a bid on an item, which someone else can also bid upon, much like a traditional auction. Online auction sites have become quite popular, and offer a way to … Read more

What is a Neural Net?

A neural net is an artificial replication of a biological network of neurons. These are the nerve cells which are the basis of the nervous system in animals. A neural net attempts to simulate this network for purposes such as finding out more about biology, or for working on artificial intelligence. To distinguish between the … Read more

What is Security Freeware?

Security freeware is any free computer program that provides a form of computer security. The term freeware indicates that a program may be downloaded and used free of charge. By contrast, terms such as shareware often mean that a program may be used for a limited amount of time as a free trial, or that … Read more

What is Bathroom Design Software?

Bathroom design software allows the user to create a three dimensional, or 3-D, design of a bathroom to see how it might function in real life. She can control the size of the room and furniture, add colors or textures, and place accessories in the room depending on how advanced the software is. Different people … Read more

How do I Choose the Best Web Design Companies?

Whether you’re interested in improving upon an existing website, or want to have one designed from scratch, it can be difficult to choose between the many web design companies out there. While some web design companies employ various programmers, writers, and designers to accommodate the full scale of website needs, there are also individual web … Read more

How do I Perform Keyword Research?

Performing keyword research may seem like an easy thing to do, but many keyword projects actually require hours of extensive research. The first step towards executing any type of keyword research is to create a list of keywords. This may seem relatively straightforward, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In order to comprise … Read more