Free mobile tones can be a good way to make the typically mundane experience of answering your phone a more fun and exciting experience. It can also enable you to listen to your favorite song at unexpected moments, or replace standard sounds to make your phone unique. If you don’t want to spend money on ring tones, there are many opportunities to get free mobile tones. They can usually be downloaded off the Internet from sites that advertise them, or by sending a text message to a service that supplies ring tones.
When choosing free mobile tones, you will typically want a tone that you like. Since the numbers of free tones are limited, you may wish to search some of the available options. One of the best ways to examine your choices is to look on the Internet for free mobile tones. These sites will generally feature a list of ring tones that they have available for download, and instructions on how to get them.
These Internet sites should also have samples of the tones they offer. This will enable you to take a listen before downloading. A site with a good inventory may let you listen to a lot of different sounds, and help you choose the one that suits you best.
One type of mobile ring tones are called real tones, which advertisers claim sound more like real songs. This can give your telephone the more realistic effect of actually playing a song. If sound quality is important to you, many Internet sites and other mobile companies offer free real tones.
A lot of sites have listings of the top ring tones available. This can let you know which sounds are the most popular with the general public. If you want your ring tone to be different, looking at these lists can help you pick a less popular tone, thereby making your telephone more unique.
It can also be a good idea to look at the small print before downloading or ordering a tone. Many times a company will tell you that the mobile tone is free, but there may be some additional charges. For example, the mobile tone may only be free for a limited number of calls, after which you will have to pay for each use. In other cases, supplying companies will continually send you text message advertising or other such annoying nuisances because you used their services. For reasons like this, you may want to make sure that your free mobile tones are really free prior to downloading them.