How do I Choose the Best SMS App?

In order to choose the best short message service (SMS) app for your mobile phone, you will have to know your phone’s operating system and have a clear idea about what you want out of a messaging application. SMS, also commonly referred to as a text message, is a service routinely offered as an addition to regular mobile phone plans. Messaging can, however, be accessed via third-party apps that offer extra features such as anonymous SMS options, as well as group SMS messages. Often, these features are offered for free in other applications or for less than what a cell phone provider might charge. Choosing the best one, however, will depend on a few things including your existing SMS message plan, as well as what you desire an SMS app to do.

First, compare your provider’s SMS app service to other text message applications you are considering. Carefully determine whether it is best to go with the native application built into your phone or whether a third-party application might give you better features and better pricing options. Most providers charge per SMS message or will offer block SMS purchasing options for those with higher usage. You may decide that your provider’s SMS plan is best or continue shopping for alternatives.

Whether you are considering using free apps provided by third-party developers or are considering purchasing one through an app store, you will first need to know your phone’s operating system. You should be able to find this information on the paperwork that came with your phone, on the phone’s box or listed on one of your cell phone menu options. It is important to know this information before attempting to download a new SMS app, as all applications are not compatible with every operating system or mobile platform. For instance, an iPhone app will not work on a BlackBerry phone, nor will an application meant for a newer BlackBerry operating system necessarily work on an older one.

Next, narrow your selections down even further by visiting forums and blogs where the app you’re considering is being discussed. Look, specifically, for third-party SMS app users who are using your exact mobile platform and operating system. By evaluating relevant user reviews for an SMS app, you can gain insight into how well the application performs. A few key concerns you should look out for are how much of a phone’s memory the app uses and whether or not it is noted for draining a phone’s battery with frequent use. Also, look for information on recent upgrades to the application to be sure you are considering the latest version.

Choose the SMS app that is noted to perform best on your phone and that has the fewest complaints. Carefully read the fine print on the SMS marketing ads you review to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions being offered before downloading a third-party app. Also, be sure to select the one that fits your lifestyle and budget.